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==Fantacy Points==
==Fantacy Points==
[[Scoring_System | Scoring System]]

Fantacy points shall be awarded in accordance with [[#Teams | teams]]' overall performances and each week those participating [[#Players | players]] shall acquire points for their [[#Clubs | clubs]] in the following amounts:  
Fantacy points shall be awarded in accordance with [[#Teams | teams]]' overall performances and each week those participating [[#Players | players]] shall acquire points for their [[#Clubs | clubs]] in the following amounts:  
Line 54: Line 53:

Trophies shall be awarded to [[#Managers | managers]] as representatives of their [[#Clubs | clubs]] for winning each of the [[#Competitions | competitions]] other than the [[#Care in the Community Shield | Care in the Community Shield]]. Photographic representations may be viewed at
Trophies shall be awarded to [[#Managers | managers]] as representatives of their [[#Clubs | clubs]] for winning each of the [[#Competitions | competitions]] other than the [[#Care in the Community Shield | Care in the Community Shield]]. Photographic representations may be viewed at


Latest revision as of 12:30, 25 October 2012

Fantacy Football League

The Fantacy Football League operates through the fantacy website which is maintained by the fantacy football league administrator to which each of the twelve member clubs all contribute copy from their #pressroom although their prime purpose is to seek to acquire fantacy points whereby they may challenge for each of the seven trophies awarded in the seven competitions each season.

To participate one must pay subscriptions and field teams comprising players and substitutes both of which may only play in such positions as do not fall foul of the bible rule and both of which may be acquired only following observance of due process for valid objections as to their acquisition having been afforded following the making of proper transfer requests (to be invigilated upon by the transfer czar) from the pool, through trade or the incorporation of an LTG.

Once so acquired they shall be under contract whereafter they must immediately be paid a salary, have a price (which may or may not be their value) and have a resale value The only permissible form of currency available to managers to meet their financial obligations is fantacy money which may be generated only by gate receipts, compensation, being designated the manager of the week, finishing in the top five of the cream or from playing in the Challange Cup and the League Cup.

Less importantly, prize money (funded from subscriptions) shall be paid for winning either of the two aforementioned cup competitions and also for winning the Golden Boot, the Dirty Bastard Boot (in the Bollocks) and for being the champion or the runner up in the Premiership. For coming in the bottom six therein the classification of dross shall be applied and for coming last therein the provisions dealing with relegation shall apply which may include the appointment of a new manager.

No money of either kind, however, shall be awarded for participating in or winning the Care in the Community Shield or the Mug of the Year and sanctions shall be applied furthermore penalty money must be paid for committing punishable breaches of these rules which for the avoidance of doubt may be varied only at fantacy meetings. For the purposes of achieving transparency insofar as is reasonably possible all other administrative matters and correspondence of a public nature shall be notified to the fantacy mailing list.

Fantacy Website

The fantacy website may be accessed at

Fantacy Football League Administrator

The fantacy football league administrator shall be Kevin Roberts and he shall be required to apply his time effort and attention towards the routine maintenance of the fantacy website and to implement all requests (whether reasonable or unreasonable) in such timescales (whether realistic or unrealistic) arising in connection with the smooth and efficient administration of the fantacy football league as may be made of him from time to time by the managers either of a routine nature as notified to him through the fantacy mailing list or of a non routine nature as may be decided upon at fantacy meetings.


Clubs are controlled by their managers.


Each club shall operate a pressroom and offer copy in whichsoever form as it may find appropriate to the Fantacy Football League for incorporation into the fantacy website.

Fantacy Points

Scoring System

Fantacy points shall be awarded in accordance with teams' overall performances and each week those participating players shall acquire points for their clubs in the following amounts:

  • For operating in a goalkeeping capacity they shall be awarded six "boots on" points for playing but shall have deducted three points for failing to keep a clean sheet and a further one point or half a point for each further goal conceded playing at home or away respectively. They shall also be awarded six points for each goal they score at home and seven points for each goal they score away from home (other than goals scored from penalties).
  • For operating in a defensive capacity they shall be awarded four "boots on" points for playing but shall have deducted two points for failing to keep a clean sheet and a further one point or half a point for each further goal conceded playing at home or away respectively. They shall also be awarded six points for each goal they score at home and seven points for each goal they score away from home (other than goals scored from penalties) and a further one quarter of a point for each goal they assist (by being on the field of play at some point during the match regardless of whether the goal is scored during such period)
  • For operating in a midfield capacity they shall be awarded one "boots on" points for playing but shall have deducted half a point or one quarter of a point for each further goal conceded playing at home or away respectively. They shall also be awarded four points for each goal they score at home and five points for each goal they score away from home (other than goals scored from penalties) and a further one point for each goal they assist (by being on the field of play at some point during the match regardless of whether the goal is scored during such period)
  • For operating in an attacking capacity they shall be awarded four points for each goal they score at home and five points for each goal they score away from home (other than goals scored from penalties) and a further one point for each goal they assist (by being on the field of play at some point during the match regardless of whether the goal is scored during such period)
  • For scoring a penalty they shall be awarded three points for a penalty scored at home and four points for a penalty scored away from home respectively.
  • For receiving a red card they shall have deducted five points and for receiving a yellow card they shall have two points deducted (but if they receive two yellow cards in the same match they shall only have deducted the five points for the resultant red card).
  • For scoring an own goal they shall have deducted six points.
  • For scoring a penalty they shall have awarded three points.

For the purposes of establishing fantacy points the results, goal scorers, substitutes and red and yellow cards as reported on shall be absolutely conclusive.


Trophies shall be awarded to managers as representatives of their clubs for winning each of the competitions other than the Care in the Community Shield. Photographic representations may be viewed at


The seven competitions comprising the season are:


Each season shall commence with the playing of the Care in the Community Shield and end with the playing of the Challange Cup final and take in the entirety of all of the other competitions. The end of the season shall be celebrated by the mother of all parties hosted by the winner of the Premiership.


Prize money shall be derived from subscriptions payable by each of the managers to the treasurer of the fantacy football league and must be paid by the second of the fantacy meetings failing which any offending clubs’ bank account shall be frozen and they shall thereby be prevented from entering into any trade or purchase of players from the pool until such a time as the defect shall be remedied and such remedy notified by the treasurer to the fantacy website .

The amount of subscriptions payable are as follows:

  • Waged - forty pounds
  • Unwaged - twenty-five pounds

If the subscriptions are paid on time as required by these rules then the following discounts shall be applied:

  • Waged - five pounds
  • Unwaged - nil

The fantacy football league administrator shall be exempted from the requirement to pay subscriptions completely.

Any new manager shall be entitled to claim a ten pound discount on his subscriptions for the period of his first season in charge of his club.


Teams shall consist a maximum of eighteen players comprising a maximum of eleven first choices and seven substitutes operating only in a 4:4:2 or less in each position formation but not comprising of more than two from any one "real" club (though for the avoidance of doubt during fantacy meetings they may temporarily have more than two but by the conclusion of each and such meeting this defect must be rectified otherwise a punishable breach shall have been committed) the only exception to this rule being that clubs who would otherwise be in breach in consequence of transfer movements between "real" clubs shall be permitted to maintain their teams without punishment up to and until but not beyond the start of the next season.


Players shall play only for the clubs to which they are under contract and for a Charity XI in the Care in the Community Shield and only in a position, which is not in breach of the bible rule.

They may be acquired in the following three ways

  1. Following a successful transfer request
  2. By trade.
  3. By incorporation of an LTG

They may, however, be moved from the position they were purchased to play in by their own managers at any time to the position they are described as operating in on their "real" club's website.


Substitutes shall be permissible but only one goalkeeper and a maximum of two in each outfield position. The selected players' details must be posted on fantacy mailing list or notified direct to the fantacy football league using the voicemail/fax service.

Should any of the first choices not play for any reason then the first and then the second so nominated substitutes in each position shall automatically assume their place.

It shall be the responsibility of the managers to inform of all team selections prior to play in each week's competitions commencing otherwise the previous week's selections shall stand.[1]

Bible rule

The bible rule provides that all players may only participate in any team playing at the position that they are described as playing at on regardless of whether that record is actually correct and they shall not be fielded in any other position unless they are incorrectly recorded out of position on the fantacy website in which case if no objection is raised at that time of purchase they may continue to play in that position if no objection is raised thereto to be considered at the Cow Barn fantacy meeting and should no objection be raised at that time they may once again maintain their place out of position for the entire season and so on indefinitely.

The only exception to this rule is that Geremi, Riise, Carragher, Garcia and Routledge may continue to play in the position that they occupy in whichsoever team as they may play at on 16th September 2006 but upon leaving that club or their position being amended on their "real" club’s website whichsoever event may be the sooner they shall thereafter have to conform with this rule.

Transfer Requests

Transfer requests are the most common method by which players are acquired by clubs (to a maximum of three successful transfer requests between fantacy meetings but for the avoidance of doubt at such meetings there shall be no limit to the number of successful signings that may be made).

The method of making transfer requests between meetings shall be that managers must notify their intention to purchase by posting their initial bid to the fantacy mailing list stating their intended acquisition, the position in which they intend to field the player and the level of the bid made and providing a date by which the request shall be effected which shall be seven days after the initial bid is posted and advising that any objections or counterbids must be made before that date. Any counterbids made in the 24 hour period immediately preceding the expiry of the object by date must be made by telephone. In any event any counterbidder must ensure that the original bidder has become aware of the counterbid regardless of when made. Following the expiry of the object by date whichsoever of the clubs has made the highest bid before such expiry shall be entitled to the transfer but shall only actually acquire that transfer upon having sent an email to the fantacy mailing list confirming the success of the bid which must be done within three days of the expiry of the date at which it was initially advised that any objections must have been raised by. Should such confirmation of the success of the bid not be notified it shall be the responsibility of the transfer czar to intervene to the extent that he is empowered so to do.

The acquisition of LTGs shall operate in a broadly similar fashion save for that there shall be no limit to the amount of them that may be acquired by clubs.

Transfer Czar

A Transfer Czar shall be appointed each year appointment shall lasting for the season. It shall be his duty to ensure that all successful transfers are notified and he shall have the power, if necessary, to notify the fantacy football league himself of any successful transfer not notified in the manner prescribed by these rules and should such notification be necessary then in those circumstances a charge shall be applied to the bank balance of the defaulting club in the sum of half a million pounds of fantacy money.

Any manager may bring to his attention any failed notification or any other matter relating to transfers and upon receipt of such notification the transfer czar shall cause such enquiries as may be necessary to properly investigate the matter to be made and shall produce a report of his investigation which for the purposes of transparency shall be published on the fantacy website. His power to adjudicate shall be final although he may, if necessary, refer any matter arising to the adjudication of all member clubs at the next fantacy meeting.


Objections may be raised to any transfer requests for acquisition either for taking up immediate positions within teams or for LTGs. The most common objection is that another of the clubs wishes to sign the players concerned and if such objection is raised at fantacy meetings auctions shall immediately ensue and whomsoever is prepared to pay the most fantacy money shall acquire the subject contracts. Similarly following notification of intended purchases being posted to the fantacy mailing list at any time thereafter any competing parties must settle the eventual destination and price and thereafter notify the fantacy football league prior to the deadline for objections passing as regardless of the outcome of any such negotiations, should such outcome not be so notified by the successful manager then the published request shall in any event be deemed to have been unsuccessful.

There is no exhaustive list of objections that may be raised but for the avoidance of doubt that clubs would wish to bid but are prevented from so doing in consequence of having utilized all their requests between meetings is not a valid objection.

Under Contract

In order to ensure fairness the fantacy football league shall on or about each April 1st review all contracts that have subsisted without interruption since on or before the opening day of that season and ascertain a true contract value for each. Managers may elect to pay an amount calculated in accordance with the statutory calculation which ensures that the maximum required to paid will be no more than three quarters of their value and may be nil in which case the services of the subject players may be retained and their price shall be increased by an equivalent amount, or alternatively decline to pay in which case they shall be returned to the pool with all attendant provisions applying should they not otherwise depart in consequence of trade.

For the avoidance of doubt this provision may not be avoided by loan deals as in such circumstances only the benefit of the acquisition of fantacy points and the burden of the payment of salary shall pass to the recipient teams and all other contractual burdens shall remain with the purchasing clubs.


Salaries shall be paid to all players contracted to clubs at the rate of 0.004% of their price each week.


The price of players shall be the total amount for which they were purchased from the pool together with any further amounts paid to keep them under contract or such lesser amount as they may be purchased for in a trade deal. No player can have their price increased through trade other than it shall be permissible for managers involved in swap deals to allocate the total price of all players involved in such manner as they may choose.


The value of players shall be their actual worth as calculated in accordance with the statutory calculation (see under contract).

Resale Value

The resale value of players shall be half of their price or such lower amount, as may be their value . On sale to the pool it shall not be permissible for clubs to nett more than the resale value but on trade no such restrictions shall apply as the fantacy football league endorses and applauds all free market principles and recognises that the freedom of clubs to pursue profit may not be fettered in any way whatsoever and for the avoidance of doubt that statement of principle extends to nullifying anything contained in these rules which may otherwise serve to so restrain unless and only in the event that managers embark upon a course of conduct which is complained of as fraudulent. In those circumstances a tribunal will be conducted at the next fantacy meeting.

During such periods as they may be imprisoned or under investigation for drugs offences their resale value shall be nil but for the avoidance of doubt this shall not prevent managers from engaging in trade.


The pool is the residual list of players eligible to play in the fantacy football league but not contracted to one of the clubs.

Signings from the pool shall be made for a minimum of one quarter of a million fantacy pounds and returns to the pool shall be for resale value.


Trade between clubs is permissible and, indeed, is to be encouraged. Managers may trade between themselves and engage in swap deals and loan deals and on whatever other such terms as they may see fit. Loaned players shall not be relegated with any club at which they may be on loan unless specifically provided for in the loan agreement. No loan deals may be entered into be entered into after the April Fools fantacy meeting. For the avoidance of doubt there shall be no limit on the amount of loan agreements permissible between clubs during a season nor on the length of a loan deal save for that no loan deal may be entered into which shall come to an end between the April Fools meeting and the end of the season.

The fantacy football league operates on a free market philosophy and any restraint of trade is viewed as repugnant. Self regulation, however, carries burdens as well as benefits and any malpratice or misfeasance can only undermine the good repute of the organisation and any attempt to undermine the fragile economic integrity of the pool shall be frowned upon and may be punished by the imposition of whatsoever penalties as may be necessary as may be decided by a tribunal convened at a fantacy meeting.


LTG is an abbreviation for "Long Term Gamble" and any footballers who may be acquired from the pool but who are contracted to a "real" team whose results do not count for the purposes of calculating fantacy points may be acquired on such a basis and they may subsequently be incorporated but only during any period when such footballers play for a "real" team whose results do so count. For the avoidance of doubt, however, managers shall be under no obligation to incorporate them at such a time or at all. If, though, they generate a contract value greater than nil (See under contract) then at the transfer deadline fantacy meeting they must be incorporated or relinquished in which case the fantacy money paid for the LTG shall be forfeited unless they are otherwise sold.

If incorporated all of the usual rules applying players and teams to and including the two-player rule and the need for an available berth in position shall apply immediately. Hence incorporation and immediate resale must of necessity result in a vacant position but for the avoidance of doubt prior incorporation is not necessary for the purposes enabling trade between clubs.

Other than that all of the usual rules of purchase apply with the further proviso that the following minimum purchase prices shall apply depending from which "real" league the LTG is taken

  • Championship - 0.75m
  • League one - 0.5m
  • League two - 0.25m
  • Overseas - 2.00m


Managers duties include an obligation to carry out business on behalf of their clubs and to notify to the fantacy football league all such business decisions. Furthermore they must seek to create as vibrant an identity as they are able by way of (but not limited to) picking and naming the teams, purchasing the players, creating nicknames, designing crests, composing terrace chants, naming stadiums etc.

Managerial vacancies may arise in consequence of sacking arising from relegation or resignation or eviction. Surprisingly, resignation is not uncommon. Eviction is less common but can only be decided on by a majority vote at fantacy meetings.

Fantacy money

Fantacy money is in the currency of fantacy pounds sterling and shall be acquired by clubs only from:

  1. gate receipts
  2. their manager being declared the manager of the week
  3. finishing in positions one to five of the cream
  4. competing in the Challange Cup
  5. competing in the League Cup
  6. compensation


Compensation shall be payable to clubs in the form of fantacy money at the rate of half of the difference between the price at which players are sold to the pool and the price at which they are reacquired to play in other teams provided that such reacquisition occurs within three months of their sale and the manager who sold requests compensation within that period and took no part in the bidding process leading up to their being repurchased. For the avoidance of doubt this provision shall only extend to LTGs if they are actually incorporated within the three month timescale.


Gambling of fantacy money by managers is permitted. Brian "long odds" Davis of Fungusspor is the fantacy football league’s official bookmaker. Freedom for clubs to gamble their assets as they see fit is, however, subject to the same broad statement of principle as is set out herein relating to trade.

Gate Receipts

Gate receipts are the clubs' primary source of fantacy money and are paid weekly at the rate of one fantacy pound for each spectator who watches any of their players perform in the in the "real" world although if such performance is limited to the bench only half the gate receipts shall be paid. No gate receipts shall be paid in the event that they do not make it to the bench.

Further, in the League Cup double gate receipts shall be paid for competing in the group stages and up to and including the semi finals and triple gate receipts shall be paid for competing in the final. In the Challange Cup double gate receipts shall be paid for competing in the group stages and up to and including the sixth round, triple gate receipts shall be paid for competing in the semi-finals and quadruple gate receipts shall be paid for competing in the final.

Manager of the Week

Managers shall earn half a million pounds of fantacy money for their clubs for each of the thirty eight weeks comprising the Premiership that they are designated the manager of the week and such designation shall arise in consequence of their by fielding of whichsoever of the teams scores the most fantacy points in each such week and their designation shall be marked by the drawing around their results sheet a black box.

In the event of two or more tying the award shall be shared equally between them.


The cream shall comprise the top finishing six in the Premiership and as well as finishing in positions one to five thereof being a source of fantacy money the entire group shall form one of the two groupings for the next League Cup.

At the end of each season the cream shall be paid by the Fantacy Football League the following amounts of fantacy money

1st - 3 million fantacy pounds

2nd - 2½ million fantacy pounds

3rd - 2 million fantacy pounds

4th - 1½ million fantacy pounds

5th - 1 million fantacy pounds

6th - ½ million fantacy pounds

League Cup

The League Cup is considered to be the third most prestigious of the competitions and takes place firstly in two group stages in which those teams comprising the previous season's cream play each other home and away and those in the dross do likewise. The criteria for winning, losing or drawing is on goals alone and own goals shall count for the opposition. Three points are awarded for a win, two points for a draw and no points for a loss.

For each group, mini league tables are produced and the top two finishing of each go into the semi finals and the winners of those on to the final. The semi finals are two legged games. The final is a straightforward ninety-minute match played on Boxing Day. Fantacy money is awarded to all participating clubs. Both one of the trophies and prize money (or free subscriptions for the following season) are awarded to the winner who must host a fantacy meeting on the date of the third round of the FA Cup.

In the event of a drawn semi-final aggregate score after two legs, or a drawn final then the total amount of fantacy points scored during the given week(s) shall decide the winner.

Golden Boot

The Golden Boot is one of the minor competitions and shall be awarded to whichsoever of the teams scores the most goals during the season. Both one of the trophies and prize money are awarded to the winner.

Dirty Bastard Boot (in the Bollocks)

The Dirty Bastard Boot (in the Bollocks) is one of the minor competitions and shall be awarded to whichsoever of the is given the most negative fantacy points for picking up red and yellow cards during the season . Both one of the trophies and prize money are awarded to the winner.

Prize Money

Prize money of "real" money of varying amounts to be decided fantacy meetings shall be awarded to the managers of the clubs finishing either first or second in the Premiership , winning the Challange Cup, winning the League Cup (although in that competition the winner may instead elect not to pay subscriptions to the fantacy football league the following season), winning the Golden Boot and winning the Dirty Bastard Boot (in the Bollocks).


Relegation shall be the sanction applied to teams for finishing bottom of the Premiership but this must be distinguished from ejection from the fantacy football league. Failed managers may either:

  1. Elect to continue to participate in which case they shall host the first of the fantacy meetings where they shall have made available to them all of their clubs fantacy money held in their bank accounts together with the full price of their players regardless of their resale value (who shall all be returned to the pool) with which to build a promoted team (who must operate under a new name) to compete in the next season’s competitions, or
  2. Request that a new manager be appointed

There shall be two concessions as follows:

  1. all LTGs shall remain with them and may subsequently be incorporated in the usual manner
  2. the first transfer of the season shall be a free transfer to the promoted team

The sanction to for finishing bottom for a second successive is sacking.

New Manager

A new manager shall only ever be appointed to the fantacy football league in the event of one of the existing manager's resignation, eviction or sacking and may be identified and invited to participate ideally from a waiting list but in practice following a mad scramble with only seconds remaining before the season kicks off

In the event of a vacancy arising through relegation he shall have made available to him all of the clubs’ assets and the same rules shall apply as apply to relegated teams save that for the purposes of building a promoted team he may retain as many of the players as he chooses although the right to sell them to the pool for their price should he not elect to sell them by way of the first piece of business at the first fantacy meeting shall thereafter lapse and unless sold through trade they shall thereafter nett only their resale value.

Care in the Community Shield

The Care in the Community Shield is the least prestigious of the competitions and doesn't physically exist but is perversely the hardest to win as to enter it clubs must first win the Premiership the previous season. Participating teams play against the Charity XI "best of the rest" picked by the other eleven managers each given a berth to fill from their own players at random but in practice the Charity XI is either picked by the management of BSE Eindhoven or not at all owing to lack of commitment and/or charity.

The match is a straight head to head and is won or lost on fantacy points alone.

The only prize for winning it is respect, or it would be if it were respected. The fantacy website does not even record the result. The only records exist in copies of old match reports.

Neither one of the trophies nor prize money is awarded to the winner.

Mug of the Year

The Mug of the Year is the second least prestigious of the competitions and its present whereabouts is unknown. It is an occasional award made by the managers to one of their number for the most disastrous or stupid management decision of the season.

No prize money is awarded but it is one trophies of the fantacy football league and therefore it may be awarded to the winner if ever located.


The Premiership is the most prestigious of the competitions and is decided on the results of thirty eight separate weekly matches in each of which each of teams the are awarded either a win for which they gain three points, a draw for which they gain one point or a loss for which they gain no points. After the conclusion of all the "real" matches they are each ranked from positions one to twelve in accordance firstly with the amount of fantacy points gained then on goals scored, then on assist points, then on defensive points, then on alphabetical order . Thereafter wins, draws and losses shall be allocated pursuant to the proportional win system i.e. there shall the same proportion of wins as in the "real" Premiership rounded to the nearest integer.

At the end of the thirty eighth week the final table will determine which of the clubs are the champions and which are the cream (and the top five finishing of that group will be paid fantacy money from the top five finishing of the dross and such categorisation will determine the groupings for next the League Cup.

The ultimate of trophies is awarded to the champion and prize money is paid to the champion (which shall be spent in its entirety hosting an end of season party) and to the runner up. The loser faces relegation.

Challange Cup

The Challange Cup is the premier of the fantacy football league's cup competitions. All twelve clubs participate and are paid fantacy money for each match they play. Each match shall be played the week prior to the "real" Challenge (sic) cup round save for the final which shall be played simultaneous with the final match of the Premiership.

In the preliminary stages the teams shall be divided into three groups. Kevin Roberts of Chicken Kiev shall allocate all fixtures at random and from the hat. Each shall play the other three in their group and must defeat their opponent by more than five fantacy points to be awarded a win otherwise the match shall be declared a draw. At the conclusion of the group stage matches the top two from each group and the two highest scoring runners up will progress to the knockout stages.

During the knockout stages once again the fixtures shall be drawn from the hat but those who were previously drawn together in the group stages shall not play each other again other than in the final drawn. In knockout stage matches in the event of a draw the winner shall be decided by way of a penalty shoot out and the team with the most goals scored shall be declared the winner. In the event of a penalty shoot out drawn on goals the requirement for the five point win margin shall be disapplied. In the event that all of the above fails to decide a winner, the game shall be replayed or in the case of the final the cup and prize shall be awarded to the winner of a bout of bare-knuckle boxing between the competing managers.

The winner is awarded the most prestigious of cup trophies and generous prize money.

Penalty Money

Penalty money must be paid to the fantacy football league by teams found guilty of committing punishable breaches.


The dross shall comprise the bottom finishing six in the Premiership and shall form one of the two groupings for the next League Cup.

Punishable Breaches

The punishable breaches of the rules are as follows:

  1. Fielding teams containing more than two players from any one "real" team
  2. Being overdrawn

The sanction for their breach is that whilst such breach or breaches persist is that clubs shall be disallowed from winning or drawing any matches and for the avoidance of doubt any cup matches which would otherwise have appeared to have been drawn will be deemed to have been lost on penalties. Furthermore during the continuation of such breach a fine of one million pounds of fantacy money for each week of the continuing default shall be paid to the fantacy football league.


The rules governing the administration of fantacy football league the are formed by the opinion of the clubs as expressed through their managers at fantacy meetings (which for the avoidance of doubt is the only forum at which they may be amended) and any alterations or amendments shall be passed only by a majority view ascertained following a show of open votes. All such amendments shall be incorporated into these rules on a provisional basis and be set apart from those rules as have already been passed into law by their being highlighted in red and they shall remain on a provisional basis until ratified at the next fantacy meeting after which they shall cease to be provisional and instead shall pass into law.

Fantacy Meetings

Fantacy meetings are the preferred forum for conducting all business relating to the fantacy football league and the only forum for amending the rules. They may be convened at any time but shall take place a on a minimum of five occasions each season on the following dates as follows:

  1. On the date that the Community Shield is played in the "real world" hosted by the manager of the bottom finishing of the clubs in the previous season
  2. In or about each October hosted by the manager of BSE Eindhoven at the Cow Barn
  3. On the date of the FA Cup 3rd Round is played in the "real world" each January hosted by whichsoever manager has been the winner of the League Cup
  4. On the date of the FA Cup 5th Round is played in the "real world" each March hosted by whichsoever manager is the current leader of the Dirty Bastard Boot (in the Bollocks) trophy
  5. On or about each April 1st hosted by a volunteer (the April Fools meeting)

Fantacy Mailing List

The fantacy mailing list is the forum in which the Fantacy Football League shall conduct all business relating to the league that is not required to be conducted at a fantacy meeting.

Leading judgement of Toad FFLJ

My lords, the position is thus. I find that BSE requested that the player Dunn not be positioned any position other than at second sub and such request was properly conveyed to the Fantacy Football League. Of this there can be no doubt as the request to purchase and to so position were articulated simultaneously. The question that must be asked then is as follows: did the positional request lapse in consequence of the negligence of the Fantacy Football League to action that properly made request? It seems to me to be self evident that it did not. Had BSE sought to seek to insist upon the positional change having taken any previous advantage of the Fantacy Football League’s negligence that that would be a very different matter. They did not. The evidence that I have heard and which I accept is that BSE were in fact unaware of the negligence and nothing in the prior weeks results following the transfer would have put them on notice of the erroneous listing of their squad.

Why then should BSE be prevented from requesting that their transfer request be actioned as was requested for this very important match of Fantacy Football? I can think of no reason at all. Similarly had BSE sought to have any previous results recalibrated I can think of no reason why that should be allowed. It seems to me that the matter is very simple indeed. Whilst this decision turns on its own and very particular facts if there is to be a ratio decedendii that will fall into law it is that each weeks’ results are irrevocably set in stone immediately upon the following weeks’ results being published but that any unactioned transfer requests are not invalidated by that act, that is to say that the request endures. That is not to say that a Fantacy Football club should be allowed to profit in an unfair way. Were a club to remain silent to seek to take an advantage from an unactioned transfer request then the Fantacy Football League would properly be entitled to refuse a request to action such an enduring transfer request post facto. That is not the position in this case however and in these circumstances my Lords I find in favour of the appellant.

Adopted Todd and Brown FFLJs

Dissenting Austin and Roberts FFLJs